hihi, people ! i'm back to the blogger :) finally !
days without laptop is so so so damn suffer. >.<
but i'll try to use to it day by day. have a lots of homework man -.-
stressed up ! aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh ! students life is like that de luu.
i'll try to appreciate students life before i regret like my seniors do :P
gone through many people's blog today :))
a lots of post for me to read ! happy happy ~
especially lean's blog ! even though i'm not her but i feel touched !
but then, there's one of her post makes me feel curious.
that was the ''GLOOMY SUNDAY''. i know i'm kinda outdated.
it is a song. is was so scary and mysterious >.<
people get to commit suicide after hearing this song.
but i feel like listening. but i tell myself not to !
i don't want to commit suicide. i wants to stay here with all my loves one ♥
but i still can't control myself ! so i just go through the stories only.
you can view through this website. kinda scary.
you can choose not to view if you don't want to or scared.
i repeat again ! DON'T HEAR THE SONG ! NEVER !
i'm serious and i meant it ! i don't wanna lose anyone of you.
gosh, i'm crapping -.-
i'm phobia after i had a nightmare few days ago >.<
i woke up in the middle of the night. it was 3am something.
i cried like hell. i dreamt that my VVVVVSDTVIP were dead T.T
*VVVVVSDTVIP = Very x5 Super Duper Triple Vegetable Important People*
kong bu dao~ even it is just a dream, but i take it seriously >.<
i don't want it to become reality :(( i quickly sms her that night.
and yeah, continued crying next morning even in school. duhh =.=
i bring cellphone to sch that day. i went to toilet and peeped my phone.
i saw her msg and i feel like relived and i can smile from that moment :))

- end of post -
p/s : goodluck to those spm candidates !
pray hard to get good result as you expect :))