hehe. today i'm going to blog about yesterday
yesterday, its my luckiest day since i've started work.
awww. the most shocking thing is angelyn. =.=
she is not angelyn yesterday. her mood is so super good.
she treats everyone so good. she keep smiling all the time.
反而她笑我们跟假的怕她。我的妈呀 -.-
then its 2pm. its my recess time. i don't know what to eat.
chee kuan off today. so left me alone. i planned to buy wafer and eat.
ngam ngam want order, my brother phoned me. call me go sushi king.
i feel like wooohooo. today got sushi king eat luu XD
ane ngam i bor eat breakfast so i ate like a hungry ghost. hehe.
i snap snap picture. heeee.

woots`this is how much i eat for 45 minutes. bahahaha.
don't jealous hor. weeeeeheeeee ! after that 1hour, back to work.
i saw LATUN ! my cute cute chubby latun jekk.
long time no see. sibeh miss her and xing xian jekk. keke.
then i saw ah lean and a boy in one stop oh ! hehe.
she rebond jor sibeh leng jekk. jealous.
i mau go rebond jugak neh ! ish XP
- next -
angelyn call me watch ppl luu. i jiu watch lah.
suddenly i saw an origami book. i jiu curi tulang awhile and have a look.
until i saw 1 page of how to fold swan.
when i saw that swan, my good mood totally lost and become emo =.=
i suddenly think of you. i fold that swan for you.
i folded 200+ you know ? folding swan is not that easy especially the small one.
that swan suppose belongs to you. but now, i think you DON'T NEED anymore.
the swan is still here but i'm gonna throw it away soon.
oh ya, and my star. i folded 80+ then i passed it to someone.
i don't know how much she folded. i call her to throw it away t0o.
useless thing keep also no use. everything we've did for you us just worthless.
totally disappointed towards you. i hope you realise that i'm saying you.
btw, do you realise what you've done ? sigh. fine le. don't wanna mention it.
ruined my mood. Z !
p/s : today SPM over luu. happy holiday hor ! XD
- end of post -
i hope you'll understand my feeling
i hope you understand why
i think you'll never know that
i'll just keep it as secret =X