back ! exam paper all taken but feel so teruk.
although there're some subject that quite satisfy
i'll try my best for the next exam. PIA ! X)
don't wanna say this one liao.
well, i didn't go to recess this few days.
save money sun bian gam fei. hmmm.
get shoo from prefect coz stayed at class during recess today.
so, me and mun yin went to library.
few minutes later. pei yee came and sit right opposite me.
her sister call her to ask me about him. adoi.
quite happy coz her sis know me XD
- next -
its april fool today ! wish everyone happy april fool XD
1st person kena prank by me - tan wei yang !
2nd place falls to - ong fansu !
3rd place - tan ching yen.
next target - whole class. i'll prank them that pn. rosnah absent tmr.
hahaha ! feel so gan jeong to see their expression neh XP
- next -
i went to mah friend's house yesterday. fara's house.
design class shirt hee ^^ while do while ss ! XD
steal those pictures from her blog ! =P

currently cut my hair ! hee. quite nice. likeyy :]
- end of post -
- aLii the blogger -
p/s : add me up in skype : cHiN aLii
twitter : cHiN aLii
tengkiiu ! ♥