few hours more, my birthday will end ! time pass by so fast and i'm #17 ! :D
its a good news ! :) and the bad news is, SPM is exactly 2 weeks ! GOODNESS ><
time really flies and i'm gonna leave SMK Convent soon :( so bad ><
okay, well, thanks for all the wishes guys ! i appreciated it a lot ! KAMSAHAMNIDA :P
i didn't celebrate my birthday with friends because erm .. no birthday feel ? XD
but with family :D my mummy came back and celebrated with me ! hehehe ! thank you mummy :P

# with HorYan :D

after our meal, we went back to ayi's house :) we played games. korean games XD its fun :D
easy only lah. just guess who sing this song. something like that XD only Korean freak like us will play :P
had a lot of fun that day. hehehe. whole day no need touch book :P
oh ya ! my eldest brother told me that he will buy something from korea for me. directly Korea XD
i told him i want SUPER JUNIOR's thing. anything ! but i told him i prefer shirt more XP
he replied me "Super Junior ? wa piang ehh. okok" MIAHAHAHA ! i think this would be my best present ever :D
but he said that i have to do well in my SPM. i'll try my best, brother ! :P
another one. my mom will be going to Korea either in April or May. i said that i want to go also !
you know what she said ? "hmmm, if you get 3 or 4 As i maybe can think think first" ==
i was like so zz -.- YAAAAHHHHHH ~! i want to go so badly >< oh SEOUL !
so now, i have to work had for Korea & Korean & for my dreams :DD! so, aLii MAEREOK !

- end of post -
stay tuned ! *peace* :PP
iHEART 슈퍼주니어