hello my dear bloggie ! i'm back again XD just to share few videos :P
before that, i would like to say about my trial examination ><
just like today, i made careless mistake between mitosis and meiosis.
so SHIT ! i lose marks there already :( too bad T.T
over is over. learn from mistake but make sure this is the last time.
no more another time coz it will be too late for SPM later /.\
ahhh, fine ! don't want mention already. back to topic :D
HAHAHA. will be post about someone from [ Super Junior ] today :P
he is KYUHYUN ♥ *heart melts* i used to call him as my boyfriend XP
i started to like him after i watch 'No Others' MV XD
* i know it is quite late * ><
this is KyuHyun's character in 'No Other' MV
so i started to search YouTube for his videos.
his videos makes me addicted to him ! as well as HorYan :P
me and HorYan keep changing videos, songs, and pictures of him.
i even learn to speak in korean from HorYan. she is a Korean freak ! XD

i found this video last few days. Lee Teuk is carrying KyuHyun ♥
how sweet ^^ hyung carrying maknae ! means eldest carrying youngest.
i watched this over and over again. realised that Lee Teuk love Kyu the most.
Si Won too XD so i'll like ppl who love Kyu like Lee Teuk and Si Won :P
Dong Hae started to piak Kyu's butt from the starting XD
i like the song inside too. i try to ask people but they don't know.
so i find myself and finally, i found ! i found from the comment XD
this is the song ! taadaa ! how cute :PP
but too bad that there's no MV for this song ><
and then i found this ! cute and funny MV :DD
SNSD's Sunny is inside too XD but too bad ><
i take this chance to spent time online today since i'm HOME ALONE XD
actually there's many videos but don't you expect me to post all right ? XD
i even found KyuHyun's biography too XP kinda touching.
but you have to stay tuned coz i will update Kyu's bio for the next post.
will be also posting [ Super Junior ] members. so stay tuned yah ! ^^
you can find KyuHyun's video or other members'
- end of post -
stay tuned ! *peace* :PP
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